Welcome to our new blog post for 2022
New year, new trends, new stories and new techniques are coming to digital marketing world and here at Kovald we are ready to present what you need to look out for in 2022.
We put down our expertise and our personal thoughts and we believe the next marketing changes will guide you throughout the year.
Are you ready to dive into the new trends of 2022?
Episode 1: The phantom Word of Mouth
Let’s start with the best marketing trend from the beginning of time. Yes, you heard it right, in 2022, Word of mouth will still dominate as it is the most effective way to make your brand known amongst all audiences no matter the field.
How many times you got a suggestion from a friend or family, have checked a website out and decided to proceed with a purchase in the end? We know, many if not a lot.
Let us give you some examples of what word of mouth looks like today:
Social media word of mouth: Sharing a link or a website with friends and family via messenger, wall posts or just sharing content on your feed.
User generated content from brands: How many times you have seen reviews or unboxing videos before buying a product? Yes, that is considered word of mouth as other consumers are sharing their experience online.
Influencer marketing: Despite the fact that influencer marketing is one of the top categories of digital marketing, watching a YouTube video or listening to a podcast is yet another form of word of mouth.
Episode 2: Attack of the Privacy Factors
How many of us marketeers but also normal users were shocked with Apple’s initiative to block whoever didn’t want to be retargeted on apps like Facebook, Tik Tok or any social media which could be retargeted or targeted by ads?
We still remember our attempts to find ways to battle this decision and giving more clarity to where sales are coming from and how.
Safari and Firefox has also joined the party by blocking third party cookies by default. Google is also planning on joining with Chrome somewhere in 2022 but got delayed until 2023.
How do all this translate in digital marketing language? Less data and more problems on identifying what works and what doesn’t.
Episode 3: Revenge of the Metaverse
It’s not an actual revenge of course, but Metaverse has been announced by founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg as a new digital world where you could be everywhere you like without actually being there. Example? You could be in your friends’ living room hanging out, or commute to work but you will actually be at your own space. Now, how this will happen? No one yet knows, however, many people around the world have already purchased their houses in Metaverse for millions of dollars.
Could you see the marketing opportunity there? Thousands of digital options to promote your brand or service.
Metaverse will allow creativity and enhance our imagination about marketing tactics in a virtual reality environment.
Episode 4: A new Hope in the eyes of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
Before we dive into AR and VR let’s clarify how these two are different from each other. VR refers to an online world based on a computer using glasses to log in. AR on the current world where users are logging in via phone or tablet to interact.
VR and AR are also known as a 360-degree marketing strategy where marketeers or brands bombard customers with offers in all dimensions. Top pioneers are Oreo, Sephora or Ikea. How do they actually do that? By using their app where it allows you to place an item virtually inside your house to have a closer look on how a sofa for example, could fit in your space. Crazy right?
Episode 5: The Influencers strike back
There is a belief that in 2022, Influencer marketing will grow into a massive billion dollar business. What causes this expectancy in growth? Tik Tok.
Tik Tok is the new thing which has skyrocketed its stocks during quarantine with all these challenges and inhouse exercising activities. Can you see the opportunity of being creative and create a massive following? Well, most of the influencers saw that.
Worth mentioning is that even in B2B, companies saw opportunities to promote products or services to other industries using influencer marketing.
Episode 6: Return of Remote Work
Since early 2020, and as the pandemic stroke hard and raise fear to all of us, Remote work has been risen from the ashes and now its here to stay.
Everyone grabbed their laptops, created a cozy space in their houses and start working remotely. Fields such as customer service, digital marketing or online sales were highly affected by the pandemic and remote work became an essentiality.
What makes you believe that this will start fading as the pandemic fades? Well, this is definitely not the case, especially in 2022.
So, us marketeers could see an opportunity there promoting products or services in Gmail, social media or YouTube where possibly remoters will spend time in between calls or breaks.
Video Essentials: A Digital Marketing Strategy story
Let’s start with some facts:
- YouTube is the second most visited platform in the US organically
- Pandemic made videos a part of normal life
- Video was the primary form of marketing media in 2021
Do you actually need more to be convinced?
If you own a shopping brand or you offer a sofa or a pendant light, Well, video is your best choice as customers need to understand or feel how this would feel in their house. A picture is a thousand words but a video is a thousand pictures.
In 2022, Video is an essential part of digital marketing so continue to be creative.
What have we learned from the Prequels and the original trilogy? That changes are coming but also basic marketing strategies such as word of mouth or using influencers are still of a massive value. To add to the prequels and original trilogy, a classic one is the video marketing. Still of value in 2022.
Additionally, AR, VR and Privacy factors will be discussed a lot in the next few months as also Remote work.
Lastly, don’t forget the rise of the Metaverse and how this will affect the whole digital marketing world in 2022.